There is some documentation on updating mongoDB documents on the mongo gem page, and a little more on the wiki Tutorial page.
From those I learned how to change the value of a single field using $set
(in Ruby):
coll.update( { "doe" => "3BL" , "birth_date" => "2014-10-24" } ,
{ "$ set " => {" survived" => 9 } } )
(Note: Dates are still strings at this stage of the project.)
Nice, but I need to append data, not just replace it. Working with this document:
{"type" => "litter" , "litter_id" => "43" , "doe" => "3BL" , "buck" => "C16" ,
"birth_date" => "2014-10-24" , "kindled" => 10, "survived" => 9,
"weights" => [
{"weight" => 0.5, "date" => "2014-10-29" , "notes" => "well fed" } ,
{"weight" => 0.7, "date" => "2014-10-31" , "notes" => "doing fine" }
"retained" => [ "431" ,"436" ]
I need to add information to both of the arrays, weights
and retained
The mongoDB documentation on update says that the answer is $push
, but the Modify Document tutorial has no examples. I finally found some on this page .
Appending data looks like this:
require 'mongo'
db ="mydb")
coll = db["nivens"]
coll.update( { "doe" => "3BL" , "birth_date" => "2014-10-24" } ,
{ "$ push" => {" retained" => " 434"} } )
new_weight = { "weight" => 0.9, "date" => "2014-11-05" , "notes" => "very fat" }
coll.update( { "doe" => "3BL" , "birth_date" => "2014-10-24" } ,
{ "$ push" => { " weights" => new_weight } } )
The first parameter to update selects the litter we want to update by giving the doe’s identification code along with the birth date. The second parameter adds a new value to the end of the specified array.
After these changes, the document looks like this:
{"_id"=> BSON::ObjectId( '545d155b7e12bd6f08000001' ) ,
"type"=> "litter" , "litter_id" => "43" , "doe" => "3BL" , "buck" => "C16" ,
"birth_date"=> "2014-10-24" , "kindled" => 10, "survived" => 9,
"weights"=> [
{"weight"=> 0.5, "date" => "2014-10-29" , "notes" => "well fed" } ,
{"weight"=> 0.7, "date" => "2014-10-31" , "notes" => "doing fine" } ,
{"weight"=> 0.9, "date" => "2014-11-05" , "notes" => "very fat" }
"retained"=> [ "431" , "436" , "434" ]}
You can see the new values at the end of the weights
and retained